Virtual Job Fair (VJF) Introduction

With the Illinois workNet Virtual Job Fair you can meet with employers who are hiring. These job fairs give you the opportunity to explore information and find job opportunities from the comfort of your home via desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Get Started

On the Virtual Job Fair landing page, you can search for employers who are hiring in Illinois. You can find employers by: name and keyword search, industry, location, or by clicking through the list. Each employer listed has a unique page that includes information such as:

  • Website and location
  • Link to job openings and industry
  • Description and employer contact information
  • Upcoming and past VJF events
  • Additional documents and links

You may also search for upcoming events by referring to the VJF Event Calendar.

Register for Events

You may register for an upcoming Virtual Job Fair event by finding an event on the employer’s booth page and finding the Upcoming VJF section or by going to the VJF Event Calendar. If you find an event you are interested in, you will need to register for the event. Find the link to register, complete the form, and then you will receive an email with the webinar information so that you may join on the day of the event.

Prepare for Your Event

Now that you have registered for the event, it is time to prepare for it. Read our articles on how you can prepare for a live event and what to expect with a live virtual job fair. These articles will give you tips such as testing out your technology and devices beforehand, do’s and don’ts, and more.

Additionally, you should have your resume prepared that way you can begin applying to the jobs you think you are a good fit for. Check out the workNet Resume Writing Guide. No matter where you are in the resume writing process, this guide lets you know what is needed every step of the way. Having a workNet account, will also grant you free access to the Resume Building Tool mentioned in the guide. Learn more about what the tool has to offer.

What To Do After Your Event

Now that you have attended a live event(s), take another look at your resume and make sure it is ready to share with employers when you apply for job openings. Be sure to follow up with employers by applying or reaching out to their business representative. That will leave a great impression and show you are interested in working with them.

For additional work support, you may find your local American Job Center with the Service Finder. Additionally, you should check out Illinois workNet’s Guides and Tools page to see other resources and tools workNet has to offer to reach your training and employment goals.

Good luck!